What is it like to be on the receiving end of you?
What is it like when your boss walks into a room? How do people react? How does the dynamic change in the room? What about when the CEO walks in? Or your biggest client? You know what it's like for you, when they walk in. But now think about how the dynamic changes when it […]
Two things leaders can do so people take the support that is offered them
Nine out of 10 people I interviewed this week said they never wanted to go back to the office. But many people are taking strain working from home. On a pure physical level, a third of people I spoke to this week say they see a physiotherapist weekly or fortnightly. This is because their home […]
The one leadership skill you need to increase engagement
After 42 hours of listening to people's experiences of work, in this episode, Taryn is talking about how nobody wants to go back to the office full time. Only 3 people out of the 42 have said they would consider going back to the office full time. People are meeting in person, but they're not […]