Leaders are tired, and they are tired of leading tired people

Burnout is the opposite of engagement.

How my boss helped me find my purpose

The first time I was appointed into a leadership role, I was 22. I had a small team of 4 people reporting to me. Shortly after I took on the role, my boss at the time gave me some feedback that he had seen such an improvement in the performance of the team, and he asked me "How do you know what to do with them?" I found it to be strange question, I answered "Isn't it obvious?" and he just shook his head and said "no, it's not obvious."

Many years later, I came back to this moment.

I was 32 and burnt-out and trying to connect back to my own life-force.

I had progressed very quickly through my corporate career and at the age of 30 found myself on the operational board of a large merchant bank, responsible for the transformation of the finance, risk, it and operations of the bank. Whilst I was succeeding and doing well according to the criteria of external success, I had lost myself and I was miserable. I was consumed by my work, which impacted my home-life and my relationships. I was grateful for the work, and the financial benefits that came with it, but desperate to find a way to be more authentic and be able to take better care of myself, feel more joy and not the exhaustion that was a representation of how successful I was.

At 32 I resigned, I had no idea what was next for me, but I knew that I had to make a change. I made a commitment to myself then: I would never let anything I did rob me of my life again!

As I sat reflecting on what I loved doing, what I was good at and what I felt the most inspired to do, I remembered that moment when I was 22! I remembered then that I have always had an intuitive way of knowing what to do with people and I love working with human beings to help them discover their best selves, heal from the wounds that hold them back from expressing themselves freely and create environments.

And so my coaching and teaching journey began. I trained in NLP, Meta-Coaching, Neuro-Semantic Training and many other coaching and personal growth courses, books and teachings. Without a doubt though, my greatest learnings have come from being dedicated to healing myself. The journey of self-discovery is a brave one, it certainly has asked me to face aspects of my life and myself that were not good for me. Acting on these awarenesses has lead me to go through many life-altering experiences.

I love people, I love that we can grow and change and I love that we get a chance to support each other through that change and that is why we are so passionate about bringing the life-force back into the workforce.

Our Philosophy

We believe people are multi-dimensional and so we design human solutions for human beings.

Physical Wellbeing

This focuses on people's physical needs such as work environment, sleep, nutrition, money, routines, health and exercise.

Emotional Wellbeing

This focuses on people's emotional needs such as connection, emotional expression, psychological safety, relationships, vulnerability, assertiveness and boundary management.

Mental Wellbeing

This focuses on people's mental needs such as depression, anxiety and stress management. It also includes decision making, creativity, innovation and problem solving skills.

Spiritual Wellbeing

This focuses on people's spiritual needs such as their sense of purpose, passion, self-belief, authenticity and sense of faith and optimism.

We all have four bodies that contribute to our sense of self. All four of these bodies are vital to our wellbeing. None is more important than the other.

Burnout, depletion and fatigue are a result of one or more of these areas being drained. The more each of these bodies is cared for the greater your sense of vitality, wellbeing, energy and alive-ness.

Complete this quick, insightful assessment to find out which of your four bodies needs attention and care.

The assessment has 24 questions and will take less than 5 minutes to complete. You will receive your report along with a workbook to create a personal replenishment plan delivered to your inbox.

A healthy workplace environment, supports the wellbeing of all four of these aspects. If you would like an organisational culture or team assessment, then let's chat.

Find out what our clients say

"I like how honest Taryn is - she calls you out when you are being unreasonable, she creates a space that is safe that allows us to share without judgement. Really one of the things that keep me going at work."


Senior Leader

"I am amazed how the sessions that were about supporting the people in the team, have improved the work deliver (even though that was not the focus)."


EXCO Member

"Thank you for the significant part that you have played in my growth as a human being. You helped me see myself in ways I couldn’t previously have, and this has truly shifted how I see the world"


Senior Leader

"In all my years working, I have seldom met someone as wise and supportive as Taryn. "


EXCO Member

"Taryn is an excellent presenter and know exactly how to keep the sessions alive."


Senior Leader

Our Values

If you share these values, then LightHearted Leadership is a natural fit for you


We believe in taking off the masks and being real


We believe in the power of play in creating a new reality


We believe that permission to express yourself should never result in an argument


We believe in being humane and kind in our interactions with each other


We believe in being non-judgemental and accepting people and situations as they are


We believe people are whole human beings and it's not possible to leave parts of themselves out of their work


We believe in doing what works and creating customised simple solutions


We believe in trying new things and see what can work. Failure is part of the road to success


We believe that the world of work can be a place where people heal and grow